we modify our spoken and text language for good reasons

why we need it faster. Writing is inherently slow, but when we text each other, we’re trying to re-create the rhythm, speed, responsiveness and sophistication of our spoken conversations. This means that features of language that are usually only available when we speak to each other, have been added to our text communication. These features cover the sound of our words, the para-linguistic elements of spoken communication. While these features make the communication less formal, they are excellent for reinforcing the relationship between the individuals who are communicating. This does not replace formal written language because there are times we need to write for a wider audience, where those inter-personal features would inhibit people’s understanding.

there are many different ways we have modified and evolved the way we text. the evolution of text has generally changed due to the fact that everyone that text is looking for a faster way to type, read, receive and send. one way we have modified the way we text is with initialisms or abbreviation. For example, LOL is an abbreviation for “laugh out loud” when using this abbreviation it makes typing noticeably faster due to the fact that it is 4 key presses rather then 17.


what relation this has with the past

a prime example is abbreviating the words that we commonly use.

we use para-linguistic elements through emojis, prolonging words/ replies

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. We had a conversation, well, I lectured you, about the need to focus before writing. Getting your ideas (Which are excellent ideas – I know this from our class discussion) down on the page requires getting them clear in your head first.

    This means a conscious decision to focus without distraction – and it’s THIS that I want you to get into better practice with.

    I’ll try to help,



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